Michele Maras — Featured Work

October 6, 2014       Michele Maras

Painting has always been an outlet for me as is for most artists. I get lost in my thoughts of where I am going with my art. I am free to express my self with my brush strokes and in color.  I feel the ideas and creations flowing through my mind to my hands.  Sometimes I can not stop thinking about what I am creating, and the ideas just flow through my body and take on their own life on the canvas.  Most pieces I have thought up in my mind and I can see myself painting each brush stroke before I even start to paint.  I feel a sense of accomplishment and pride when I am finished with my work.

I like to photograph a subject and then paint it.  I look at my photos for little details I may have missed at first glance. If I am happy with part of what I have created, then I will take my favorite part of that painting and spin it into it’s own work of art.  I usually will add a textured medium or heavy brush or knife strokes to make it it’s own piece.   I like to think of it as building on a foundation to a series.

I stopped painting for many years. Working and then having babies made it hard to make time for my painting. Oddly enough, I started to help at my daughter’s schools and rediscovered my passion for art. I would spend hours and hours painting murals for the teacher’s boards in the hallway. I am so thrilled to be creating again. I would like to be a part of OCAG to share my work with other artists and learn from them. I would like to find a creative group to talk and share ideas with. I would hope to be an inspiration to other women who have the same story as myself. I am finding my passion again and hopefully I can help others find theirs again too.

E-mail: mamamaras@earthlink.net

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