Artist Statement - Brian Murphy

September 4, 2014       Brian Murphy

When I create I do not know what is going to happen next, nor do I know what I am going to see or feel; I simply respond and trust.  I am not really sure how much of my work is an extension of me as opposed to an expression of my personal observations and interpretations, probably a little bit of both.  I paint, create and sculpt because it makes me happy.  I can never imagine myself not doing this.  Creating is my way of figuring things out.  I have come to appreciate imperfections and celebrate surprises.  Everything I create must address their origins and encourage exploration.  I need to see where things come from.

The visible tool markings, shapes, and textures present in all of my work are a documentation of my own journey in which everything always return to the beginning.  Seeking out and trying to capture the hidden beauty and grace inherent in life’s collision of ordinary moments is of great interest to me.  I love looking at something for the first time and in that moment seeing what no one else ever has.  After this, all the decisions are mine, coveting and protecting it for awhile, followed by appreciation and finally just letting it go, but not all of it.  Like any healthy union, a little bit of lust should always remain.


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