Ocean-Inspired Artwork
DESIREE ENGEL (ceramics) and
Elizabeth DARON Redmon (paintings)
Exhibit runs from April 12 – May 4, 2019
Opening Reception is April 13, 2019, 6:00 pm
In the basement of dA Art Center
252-D S. Main St.
Pomona, CA 91766
(909) 397-9716
Open Friday & Saturday 1:00-4:00pm
DESIREE ENGEL’S installation alludes to the effects of climate change and pollution on ocean life. At first glance, all seems as usual – there are colorful fish and other ocean creatures, as well as plants and reefs. But – look again, and all is not as it seems at first.

Desiree Engel says: ”The inspiration for my clay pieces derives from natural forms. Ocean life has been the focus of my work for many years, with some deviations. However, I always seem to return to this theme. I am concerned about the effects of pollution and global warming on our oceans which are the basis for life on earth. What legacy are we leaving our descendants? Scientists predict that in less than 30 years the oceans will be ‘fishless.’”

The artist has shown her work extensively throughout Southern California and the United States, as well as in her native Croatia (formerly part of Yugoslavia). Her work is in private collections in the United States, Switzerland, Sweden, and Australia. She has taught hand-built ceramics at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Cal-State Fullerton and is a founding member of
57 UNDERGROUND, a contemporary art gallery in Pomona.
ELIZABETH DARON REDMON, an Anaheim artist, writes, “These 40 nonobjective paintings are just for fun, painted for the sheer pleasure of the creative experience. Departing from my usual portrait work, I found myself fascinated by what happens, by plan or surprise, at the intersection of color, shape, value, and design.”

Daron is an active participant/leader/ instructor in the MVAL Artist Cooperative and the arts division of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Cal State Fullerton. She has been honored with five solo exhibitions and has received numerous awards at local, national and international shows.

Daron’s paintings have hung at the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, Paxton Gallery in Norwalk, Brea Art Gallery, Guggenheim Gallery at Chapman University, Muzeo’s Carnegie Museum in Anaheim, the Museum of California Art in Pasadena, and at multiple sites at Cal-State Fullerton and at the University of Southern California. You are invited to visit her art website at DaronDesigns.com.