February 4, 2019       Randall Holbrook

Hi SCA members,

There is an unusual art gallery in Laguna Beach that we have been invited to hold an exhibit in for the months of April and May 2019. If you might be interested, please let Janet know before February 1st.

Here are a few details:

  • Each artist will pay $100 for the 2 months.
  • Any artist in the exhibit may hold a workshop or give a talk about their work.
  • Laguna Art Lounge promotes the exhibit through social media - Facebook, Instagram, etc....
  • SCA chooses the theme SIGNS AND SYMBOLS, and self curates their art.
  • The gallery hangs the art with our input, and provides finger foods for the two receptions.
  • ART WALK and other events are held at the gallery each month.

We need at least 10 SCA artists who are interested. Email or respond here.

Best, Janet Adams, MFA, exhibitions chair for SCA

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