Fresh Awards 2018

May 21, 2018       Randall Holbrook

Dear Art Lovers

SCA member Shelley Heffler has been selected to show her new body of work titled Anthropocene for the Fresh Awards Exhibition, 2018. This is a group show of nine artists who were selected from over 400 artist entries last year for the FRESH 2017 juried exhibition.  Jurors, Fatemeh Burnes and Peter Frank, selected the artists they agreed made a strong impact and best represented current ideas and trends in Contemporary Art.

May 26 – June 23, 2018

SoLA Gallery  3718 West Slauson Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90043
Opening Reception June 2nd, 4-7 pm

SoLA is open Saturdays, 1-5 or by appointment
Phone: (310) 429-0973

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