Juror: Staci Steinberger,
Assistant Curator, Decorative Arts and Design, LACMA
February 2 - March 23, 2019
Opening Reception February 2nd, 6:00 - 10:00pm
117 North Sycamore,
Santa Ana, CA. 92701 USA
Craft Revolution shows works with the unity of inspiration and skill philosophers call “craft” --- in drawing, painting, collage, sculpture, ceramics, weaving, architectural plans and maquettes, interior design, furniture design, fashion design, photography, video, installation art, and objets d’art in all mediums, including wood, metal, stone, clay, paper, textiles and glass. Craft is the bond between concept and technique, the link between hand, mind, and heart. Our juror selected unusual, avant-garde, hybrid artworks that merge together, in a single piece, elements of fine art and the traditional crafts. Craft Revolution illuminates an important truth about contemporary art: we can no longer categorically separate craft, fine art, decorative art, and utilitarian, designer objects. Sophisticated, well-crafted objects --- no matter the medium --- inevitably elicit un frisson of desire.
Karen is exhibiting these pieces:
Featured Artists:
Randy Au, Linda Belden, Lorraine Bubar, Juan Cabrera, Bibi Davidson, Virginia Davis, Priscilla Dobler, Janet Dreyer, Bret Englander, Karen Feuer-Schwager, Ddiana Ghoukassian, Mariano Gonzales, Sonya Hammons, Sharon Hardy, Matthew Hebert, Mary Heebner, Mark Hendrickson, Gina Herrera, John Hogan, Allison Holland, Kathleen Kane-Murrell, Rachel Kaster, Amy Keeler, Liz Koerner, Greig Leach, Lily Martina Lee, Zoey Lin, George Marlowe, Karena Massengill, Ryan Mennealy, Arny Nadler, Ted Ollier, Brad Pettigrew, Wen Redmond, Jay Reed, Robin Repp, Stephanie Robison, Sheila Rodriguez, Scott Rogers, Diana Maria Rossi, Angela Sanders, Aneesa Shami, Young Shin, Kristin Skees, Melinda K.P. Stees, Heidi Tarver, Stephen Thornhill, Ruby Troup, Mariah Tuttle, Carlos Ulloa, Noriho Uriu, Maureen Vastardis, Nikki Vismara, Jake Weigel, Lyz Wendland, Danielle Wood, Ben Zask, Jana Zimmer, Susan Zimmerman.