Minutes of Southern California Artists (SCA) Membership Special Meeting 17 January 2015 Location: Irvine Fine Arts Center

Call to Order:

This special meeting of SCA was called to order at 2:10 pm by SCA Programs Chair, Janet Adams. SCA thanks the Irvine Fine Arts Center for hosting our meeting. SCA thanks Edythe Zwickler and Jim Dahl for bringing refreshments. Minutes were taken by Thom Wright.

Attending Members:

Janet Adams, Thom Wright, Roger Gordon, Sharon Krump, Ron Reekers, Celene Cecena, Ron Howlett, Randall Holbrook, Karen Feuer-Schwager, Janet Mackaig, Sarina Sherwin, Edythe Zwickler, Jim Dahl, Mary Colmar, Fay Colmar, Bart Palisi, George Alemshah and Randy Au


The purpose of this special meeting was to bring together the SCA members interested in participating in the SCA proposal to SOKA University for an art exhibition there sometime in 2017. The SCA proposal is to be completed by 31 Jan 2015. It is presently being brought together on the SCA website by our webmaster, Randall Holbrook, who is to be paid for his services supporting this special activity. The entry fee for members is $50, to be paid before 31 Jan 2015.

The first discussion was to review once more the proposed list of candidate titles for this show. Janet Adams had previously emailed this list after member submissions to all 27 interested SCA members. What followed here was a scintillating review, including additional title submissions, modifications and graphic changes to the list. It was agreed to reach a final selection by using the film academy Oscar selection process, where the top three vote count would be then downselected. Of the many excellent titles and graphic possibilities, one was finally chosen by a majority of the members’ votes, as the following:




Following this selection process, webmaster Randall Holbrook made an interactive presentation with his laptop computer and display screen to the group on how participating members can submit the required data for the digital proposal and make payments for member dues and for the SOKA U. entry fee. The SCA website has been updated by Randall for a magazine style, website proposal by adding on to the new “WordPress” format.   To simplifly the submission process for the WordPress challenged members, Randall also will accept emails to him with images, Art Statement, and Artist Resume attached.

Next SCA Meeting:

The next SCA membership meeting date was tentively set for Sat, February 21st with time and location to be determined later. It will include the election of the SCA board and chairpersons. The following list of positions and present volunteers is found below. SCA members interested in a position should email last year’s president, Ron Reekers at

Present Volunteers for SCA Positions for 2015:

  • President: Fay Colmar
  • Treasurer: Randall Holbrook/ Sharon Kump
  • Recorder:
  • Web Master: Randall Holbrook
  • Exhibitions: Karen Feuer-Schwager / Janet Adams
  • Membership: Thom Wright –
  • Artist Book: Janet Adams
  • Hospitality:
  • Publicity Chair:
  • Programs:
  • Historian: (Janet currently has the historical records)
  • Exhibit Support: (Labels, Logging in Art, Hanging Art, Gallery Sitting etc.)
  • Aliso Viejo Library Curator:

The meeting was adjourned at 4 pm.

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