SCA MINUTES June 15, 2019 at Workwell
2:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Introductions of Members
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sharon Kump, Karen Feuer-Schwager, Janet Adams, Teiko Horita, Randall Holbrook.
Sharon read minutes of the last meeting.
Treasurer Report $2199.46
- Teiko plans on being more active artistically.
- OC Airport: Send Jeffrey Frisch an interest email to get started.
Don’t need to send images.
- ArtVenture: July 15 deadline show is at the Segerstrom Concert Hall Sept 6-7
- Karen is participating in WCA show at SOLA Gallery 3718 Slauson, LA
July 17 opening
- Idea for SCA Retrospective Show? 35 years of Art. Include former members.
Evolution of an association. Memorium room? Need an independent meeting
and proposal.
- Marilyn Ellis passed last year. Her son is looking for warehousing/adopting
her pieces.
- How do we deal with “estate” artwork? Janet uses Shutterfly to document
works in a book. Reasonable prices and pretty easy to do.
Fairs and shows to reduce inventory?
- Looking to Fall: Mid Sept meeting. Possibly at Thom’s.
- Karen suggests interested group/groups get together for proposals.
Artwork Share: Karen had 2 new pieces she is working on 12”x 12”
Meeting adjourned 4:00 pm