Minutes - January 16, 2022

Minutes of SCA Meeting January 16, 2022
held outdoors at the Irvine Fine Arts Center
1:00 pm to 3:30 pm

Introductions of Members
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sharon Kump (Pres), Randall Holbrook (Treas), Thom Wright (Sec), Kathy Breaux, Norm Ellis, Randy Au (life member), Janet Adams (Events)

  1. Old business: Janet Adams was thanked for hosting the December 2021 meeting at her art space. Present plans are for future meetings to be held outdoors at IFAC and/or at voluntary members’ residences.  This also provides the hosting member to informally show their recent art in more depth.
  2. The meeting start was delayed by an auto accident in the IFAC parking lot when Randy Au’s car was struck by another vehicle, both of them traveling at less than 15 MPH. No one was hurt, lots of broken glass, but Randy had to deal with the aftermath and missed the meeting.
  3. Treasurer’s report: Present SCA balance is $1043. Randall has submitted the annual CDFTA paperwork in compliance with California’s NGO requirements and identified the current year’s three board members. He announced that several new members have joined via the SCA website. All non-renewed members are asked to submit their dues of $40/year via the website.
  4. SCA website status: Randall continues as our SCA webmaster. Members are asked to submit their announcement emails to him for website posting. Members are encouraged to also update their artwork pages with new work.
  5. Upcoming local art shows: Many city art centers are planning spring shows, but most or all of them are now on-line virtual shows, because of current Covid mandates. In-person shows attendance are usually offered with limited numbers and via reservations. Norm Ellis is accepted to the “Long Beach International” show, Thom Wright and Ron Howlett are in the “Centered on the Center” show at the Huntington Beach Art Center (Jan 19 – Mar 12), and information on several shows is currently presented on the SCA website. Members are encouraged to post their participation in upcoming shows on the website.
  6. Art presentations: All members showed some current work and preparations for new work, and informal discussions with the members.
  7. Adjurnment: The meeting ended as scheduled at 3 pm.
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