SCA MINUTES February 9, 2019
Irvine Fine Arts Center
2:30 pm to 5:00 pm.
Introductions of Members
MEMBERS PRESENT: Sharon Kump, Janet Adams, Randall Holbrook, Karen Feuer-Schwager, Mona Lisa Lind, Roger Gordon, Julianne Hogeboom
Sharon read last minutes. Old Items: BC Space discussion, Jill Manly has volunteered to help with secretary position.
Treasurer Report $2005.50
5 people current, 3 members paid dues today.
2019 Dues - Reminder that we can pay with credit card on website.
FIVE Exhibit Opportunities (You must be a 2019 SCA member to enter shows):
- Laguna Art Lounge - Deadline: Feb 10 for exhibit in April/ May
$100 per person for two months, $2000 for the total cost for 2 months. Concluded we didn’t have enough members interested at this time.
- San Luis Obispo Museum Photo exhibition “It’s All about the Light” Deadline Mar 1
Open call, $35 for 3 entries
“Botanik” deadline March 5 for April 4-26 exhibit
“Impressive” Deadline April 1 for May 1-31
"2nd Half” For artists over 50. May 7 Deadline for June 6-28
- Work Well Gallery- Janet and Karen visited at 17322 Murphy, Irvine
3 month shows, no charge, curated by Jasmin Pannier, Gallery Director
This unique space is a Potential SCA Meeting Location
“12x12” is the next show for April, May, June (open) entry guidelines to follow
- John Wayne Airport Arts - Jeffrey Frisch still in charge of exhibits at the airport
Send Jeff your interest with your mailing address 949-252-5124
Current Art Work Show and Tell
Julianne - Watercolor of sunset “Close of Day”
Janet – “Daily Review” Larger pieces cropped down and matted 4.5x4.5”
Roger Gordon - 2 large oils canvas on board
Mona Lisa - Acrylic Abstract
Karen Feuer Schwager - Strings/teabags, self-leveling gel, translucent
Randall Holbrook - Oil sunset
Meeting Adjourned 2:45pm