Hi SCA Members

I am glad to announce we have a meeting scheduled for Saturday, June 15 at WorkWellOC in Irvine from 2-4 pm. This is a new venue for Orange County artists. It is a spectacular space that is an open concept office setting for small businesses. And they incorporate art! The show that is up right now is 12"x 12" and we have several artists in the show. So this an opportunity to see the show and the space. We will also be able to talk to Jasmin Pannier, Gallery Director. This show closes that Saturday so this is the last chance! Hope to see you there.

We have another exhibition opportunity coming up for April / May at the Laguna Art Lounge.

Hi SCA members!

It is time again for our Annual Holiday Art Exchange!

Janet Adams has volunteered her house for our get together on December 8 from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm.  This is an opportunity to celebrate our creativity and friendships.

Everyone brings a wrapped art gift that represents something special of themselves to share with another member “grab bag” style. Please bring a favorite finger food/appetizer to share.


Come anytime between 2-4pm for art sharing and yummy foods eating. We will also be discussing opportunities for exhibiting our art in 2019. Then the art gift exchange will be from 4-5pm.

Hope to see you there!

Please RSVP to  Sharon or Janet know if you’re coming.

Best wishes, Sharon Phipps Kump, SCA President

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